Information Technology is perhaps one of the most pursued fields on the job market today. Of course, the diversity this area offers adds to the allure – along with the growing love for all things IT. However, people are wise to look into the current trends affecting the IT field as they have an equal effect on anyone in or joining an IT profession. The good news is the most influential trends ensure the IT field is growing in a good direction.
Salaries on the Rise
In the past, an IT professional’s salary was nothing to laugh at. However, a few years has gone by without any increase in their average salary, their wages seeming to plateau while other professions saw some kind of rise in pay. 2013 brings a welcome change, the current trend leading to an increase of more than two percent to an IT professional’s salary. What does this mean for those interested in the IT field? If one is fortunate enough to gain employment in places like Silicon Valley or NYC, he or she is looking at a six figure annual salary.
Consumerization of IT
The battle to use personal devices at work has gone on since the introduction of iPhones, Smartphones and tablets. Understandably, businesses have resisted this trend in the past because of security issues. Today, companies are beginning to wise up, the current trend to not only allow personal devices but online data storage, online services, social media and more. What is the driving force behind this growing trend? By allowing employees to use their own personal devices, organization enjoy the benefit of employees working from anywhere at any time.
Embracing Information Technology
Businesses embraced technology when they first realized the benefits of software, hardware and the Internet. Yet, companies tended to limit the growth of IT within their business, treating technology like a necessary evil. This is changing, software and hardware expenditures higher than they have been in five years. Interestingly enough, this is not a trend that shows any sign of slowing down, many companies anticipating more software and hardware purchases. Why? It may be that other trends are fueling a need for businesses to fully embrace technology. Perhaps companies are beginning to see the benefits of technology in marketing, security, research and even customer relations. Whatever the reason, the world is evolving quickly and technology is the driving force.